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The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

Obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc. This is what happens when you get on the blood sugar roller coaster. And it's time to get off.

What is the blood sugar roller coaster?

Whenever we eat carbohydrates, they get turned into sugar and are sent into the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, they are used for energy to help us carry on through our activities. This is okay as long as the carbohydrates we eat don't get sent into the bloodstream to quickly. Which is what happens when we eat processed carbs like sugar, bread, pasta, etc.

When carbs get metabolized quickly, huge amounts of sugar enter into our bloodstream and our bodies enter into havoc. It's an emergency for your body, and in order to reduce the massive amounts of blood sugar it releases insulin; The storage hormone.

Insulin quickly takes the excess carbohydrates from your blood and stores them as fat since excessive blood sugar levels are harmful and they are not needed.

Then, when the carbohydrates finish metabolizing, you are left with low blood sugar and are craving more carbs. This keeps fueling the cycle and you get mood swings, cravings, and bigger spare tires.

Is this why I'm fat?

Yes, blood sugar spikes make you store fat, make you hungry quickly, and dis-regulate your appetite and hormones. It's just almost impossible not to overeat.

How do i slow down the digestion of carbs and get normal blood sugar levels?

In order to keep stable blood sugar, carbs need to be metabolized slowly. In order to achieve this, carbs should be eaten moderately, along with plenty of fat and protein. This slows down carb digestion and blood sugar is regulated.

Unlike carbs, fat and protein makes our body release hormones that tell us to stop eating. This means that our appetite is regulated according to our caloric needs. We are satisfied, full for longer, and as lean as ever.

Eating carbs by themselves causes blood sugar levels to spike and then drop (Blood sugar always drops quickly after a spike.) because they are digested too quickly. This is why when you eat a piece of fruit by itself you get hungry again in no time, even hungrier than before. So avoid eating carbs by themselves as much as possible.

Also consider eating unprocessed carbs that digest slowly. This means eating sweet potatoes, fruits, whole wheat pasta, etc.

What happens when you get off the roller coaster

You get rid of cravings, your mood stabilizes, you are satiated and full, you get lean, and food stops obsessing you. You finally get a life.

It even starts to feel strange when you look back and see how different your life was before getting off the roller coaster.

Steps to get off the roller coaster.

1) Less processed carbs like sugar, white bread, and cereals.

2) Much more naturally occurring fats from animal sources, butter, olive oil, coconut oil. These should be eaten in much larger amounts than you are used to and be your main source of energy.

3) Eating every 3-4 hours when blood sugars start to drop. (This is preferable but obviously not always possible.)

It't time to end the bullshit fad diets and go with what works. It's athletes and bodybuilders who should be doing calorie counting. You don't need to do that to get lean and healthy.

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